
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Hippa, Ståhls G.2005Morphological characters of adult Syrphidae: descriptions and phylogenetic utility
H. Hippa, F. Thompson C.1994Revision of the Sterphus cybele species group (Diptera: Syrphidae)
H. Hippa, F. Thompson C.1983Meropidia, a new genus of flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from South America
G. J. Holloway, Marriott, C. G., Crocker, H. J.1997Phenotypic plasticity in hoverflies: the relationship between colour pattern and season in Episyrphus balteatus and other Syrphidae
K. Hovemeyer1995Trophic links, nutrient fluxes, and natural history in the Allium ursinum food web, with particular reference to life history traits of two hoverfly herbivores (Diptera: Syrphidae)
R. W. Howard, Akre, R. D., Garnett, W. B.1990Chemical mimicry in an obligate predator of carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
R. W. Howard, Samuelson, D. W. Stanley, Akre, R. D.1990Biosynthesis and chemical mimicry of cuticular hydrocarbons from the obligate predator, Microdon albicomatus Novak (Diptera: Syrphidae) and its ant prey, Myrmica incompleta Provancher (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
B. Howarth, Edmunds, M., Gilbert, F.2004Does the Abundance of Hoverfly (Syrphidae) Mimics Depend on the Numbers of Their Hymenopteran Models?
F. M. Hull1960New species of Syrphidae and Asilidae
F. M. Hull1954The genus Mixogaster (Diptera, Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1951New species of Mesogramma (Diptera, Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1949The morphology and inter-relationship of the genera of syrphid flies, recent and fossil
F. M. Hull1949The genus Baccha from the New World
F. M. Hull1949Some unusual syrphid flies
F. M. Hull1949New American syrphid flies of the subfamily Eristaline
F. M. Hull1947More flies of the genus Baccha (Diptera, Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1947An interesting Oceanic species of Cerioides (Diptera; Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1947Some American syrphid flies
F. M. Hull1946The genus Lepidostola Mik
F. M. Hull1945Some undescribed syrphid flies
F. M. Hull1944Some genera of flies of the family Syrphidae
F. M. Hull1944Some syrphid fly genera (Diptera)
F. M. Hull1944Studies of flower flies (Syrphidae) in the Vienna Museum (Natural History)
F. M. Hull1944A study of some syrphid flies of South America
F. M. Hull1943The Genus Mesogramma
F. M. Hull1943New species of syrphid flies in the National Museum
F. M. Hull1943New species of Baccha and related flies
F. M. Hull1943New species of the genera Baccha and Rhinoprosopa (Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1943The New World species of the genus Baccha
F. M. Hull1943Some undescribed species of the genus Baccha (Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1942Some flies of the genus Mesogramma
F. M. Hull1942The flies of the genus Meromacrus (Syrphidae)
F. M. Hull1942New species of Syrphidae from the Neotropical Region
F. M. Hull1942Some new species of Syrphidae
F. M. Hull1941New american syrphid flies (Diptera)
F. M. Hull1941Some undescribed Syrphid flies from the Neotropical region
F. M. Hull1941Descriptions of some new species of Syrphidae
F. M. Hull1941Some flies of the family Syrphidae, Mesogramma
F. M. Hull1940A study of syrphid flies from Madagascar (Diptera)
F. M. Hull1938Exotic forms of syrphid flies
F. M. Hull1937A Megamorphic and Two Curious Mimetic Flies
F. M. Hull1937New species of exotic syrphid flies
F. M. Hull1937Some Neotropical and Oriental Syrphid flies in the United States National Museum
F. M. Hull1936A curious new Syrphid fly from Peru
F. M. Hull1935Some mimetic flies, with the description of two new species from North America (Syrphidae; Diptera)
F. M. Hull1925A review of the genus Eristalis [Part 1]
F. M. Hull1925A review of the genus Eristalis. Part 2
F. Montgomery Hull1956A new southwestern species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae)
F. Montgomery Hull1950The genus Cheilosia Meigen (Diptera, Syrphidae). The subgenera Cheilosia and Hiatomyia
F. Montgomery Hull1946The genus Quichuana Knab


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith