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Salpingogaster pygophora Schiner
Tribe: SyrphiniGenus: Salpingogaster
Eosalpingogaster and Salpingogaster are readily distinguished from all other syrphine groups by the presence of distinct black spinose bristles on the metafemur combined with the petiolate abdomen and sinuate vein R4+5. Both genera have petiolate abdomens, but Salpingogaster is distinguished from Eosalpingogaster by the much more greatly sinuate vein R4+5; other syrphines with sinuate vein R4+5 have oval abdomens. Eosalpingogaster has 1st tergum not produced into a spur, vein R4+5 only slightly sinuate and occipital cilia in 3–4 rows dorsally. In contrast, Salpingogaster has 1st tergum produced laterally into a strong spur and occipital cilia reduced to a single row dorsally.
Salpingogaster pygophora has yellow face, notopleuron and posterior anepisternum yellow, katepisternum dark with dorsal long broad yellow macula, 3rd tergum unicolour, wing entirely microtrichose, katatergum and katepimeron black, frons with medial black macula, isolated by yellow from eye, and male genitalia with long hook-shaped process.