Vockerothiella laticornis (Curran)
Vockerothiella laticornis has anerior anepisternum bare; abdomen margined; metasternum bare; ventral lobe of calypter with some long, coarse, erect pale pile above on posteromedian portion; metacoxa without pile tuft; face in profile distinctive, receding from antennal prominence to oral cavity; katepisternal pile patches separated posteriorly; wing membrane almost entirely microtrichose; pleuron extensively yellow pollinose; and male genitalia with distinctly shaped surstyli.
Adapted from original description (Curran 1928).
Face retreating; front with brown macula; metalegs black from the middle of the femora; black abdominal fasciae half as wide as the yellow fasciae, the first yellow fascia interrupted.
Head: Face and frontal triangle yellow, the former yellow pollinose except on the small, oval tubercle which is slightly less rounded below. Face retreating in profile, the tip of the oral margin not quite as prominent as the eyes opposite the antennae, gently convex immediately below the antennae, thence concave to the tubercle, below which it is very gently concave-retreating. Frontal triangle long, rather acute above, yellow pollinose except on the swollen area above antennae which bears an elongate blackish macula on the middle line. Pile of the frontal triangle black, except along the orbits, where it is tawny; on the face, pale yellow. Vertical triangle three times as long as wide, acute in front, its ground colour greenish-black; thinly clothed with yellowish pollen, its pile black but there are a few pale hairs at the vertex and in front. Occiput yellowish-grey pollinose, its pile yellowish above, whitish below. Gena wholly yellow. Antennae reddish, basoflagellomere brown above and apically, the brown colour occupying the dorsal apical half; basoflagellowere obtusely oval, not quite one and a half times as long as wide. Arista oval, rather slender, longer than the antenna.
Thorax: Scutum bright blackish-green, a large macula laterally before the suture and the postalar callus, reddish; pile tawny. Pleura concolorous wilh the scutum, the anepisternum chiefly, katepisternum with a broad macula on the dorsal margin, a large roundish one above the mesocoxae and a smaller, roundish on anepisternum, reddish yellow, more or less opalescent, the pleura thinly yellow pollinose, their pile reddish-yellow. Scutellum translucent yellow, clothed with black pile. Legs: Procoxae yellow, the posterior four chiefly brown; legs reddish-yellow, the metapair black from the middle of the femora. Pile of the legs yellow; on the metatibiae and tarsi black, on their femora mixed with black on the apical half. Wings slightly tinged with luteous, the stigma slightly darker. The vein R4+5 is almost straight and
has no conspicuous dip into the cell R4+5. Calypter yellow, with slightly more reddish margin and yellow fringe; halter yellow, the capitulum slightly infuscated.
Abdomen reddish-yellow; first segment black, except a lateral macula; posterior third of second segment and a narrow median vitta, somewhat widened in front, opaque black. Third segment with slightly more than the posterior third opaque black. The fourth segment has the basal half reddish-yellow, followed by a subopaque black fascia which is concave posteriorly on either side of a median black triangle, the sides of the black slightly widened, leaving the rather broad yellow posterior margin widest on either side of the middle. The basal two-thirds of the fifth segment is shining black except for small reddish triangles in the basal angles. The pile is black on all the black areas except the first segment, and entirely so from the middle of the third segment, including the hairs hanging down along the sides, the basal pile yellow. The ventral black fasciae coincide witb the upper ones but all are narrowed towards the middle line.
Body length: 12 mm (Curran 1928).
Oriental species known from Malaysia and Thailand.