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Citrogramma clarum (Hervé-Bazin)
Tribe: SyrphiniGenus: Citrogramma
Species very similar to Citrogramma sp. B of Wyatt (1991), but with a different wing microtrichia pattern. It has the wing microtrichose except cell R bare on basoanterior 1/2 until the furca of cell R2+3 and cell BM with small bare area very close to anterior margin. Male of C. clarum has a broad angle between eyes, approximately 115° or more, and two yellow maculae on 5th tergum. Citrogramma clarum females have usually a yellow fascia on 2nd abdominal tergum, and they differ from the ones of C. amarilla and C. matsumurai by having small bare wing areas, and from females of C. luteifrons and C. chola (immature, light coloured specimens) by no black pile on notopleuron or supra-alar area and also with some bare areas in the wing. Females of C. frederici differ by having frons yellow with a medial orange macula and pro- and mesotarsus dark.