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Allograpta amphotera (Bezzi)
Tribe: SyrphiniGenus: Allograpta
Diagnosis of the subgenus Allograpta (from Mengual et al. 2009).
Face straight, with low indistinct tubercle of variable size; oral opening about 1.5 to 2 times as long as wide, with oral apex at level of antennal base; antennal pits confluent; plumula well developed or absent; subscutellar fringe distinct or absent; wing partially bare basomedially, with or without apical dark macula; alula broad, about 1.5 times as broad as cell BM; metasternum pilose or bare; abdomen elongate, parallel to slightly petiolate.
A curious species, which in size, black-banded scutellum and black coxae, resembles Ischiodon scutellaris, while in all other characters it agrees with Allograpta javana (=Xanthogramma javanum distinctum), having moreover a broad black facial vitta, mainly black pili on the head, thorax and abdomen, and infuscated wings (from Bezzi, 1928).