Fazia colombia (Curran)
Allograpta (Fazia) colombia Curran, 1925.
Curran, C.H. (1925) New American Diptera. II. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 16, 338-354.
Allograpta (Fazia) colombia Curran, 1925.
Curran, C.H. (1925) New American Diptera. II. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 16, 338-354.
Allograpta colombia belongs to a group, Allograpta (Fazia) characterized by: face moderately to greatly produced anteriorly, with distinct tubercle; oral opening about 5 times as long as wide, with oral apex greatly extended beyond level of antennal base; antennal pits separate; plumula well developed; subscutellar pile fringe distinct, one or two rows of long pili; wing broadly bare basomedially, without apical dark macula; alula broad, about 1.5 times as broad as cell BM; metasternum pilose; abdomen broadly to narrowly elongate (Mengual et al. 2009).
Adapted from original description (Curran 1925).
Head: Face on the sides and the narrow frontal orbits on the lower three-fifths yellow, the middle of the face and the front shining greenish or bronze black. Face, gena and occiput yellowish pilose, the frontal triangle wholly clothed with black pile; occiput black-haired on the upper fourth. Gena yellow. Antennae reddish yellow, the basoflagellomere reddish brown above; arista ferruginous.
Thorax: Scutum metallic black, with a broad yellow-whitish lateral vitta in front of the suture, the postalar callus brownish yellow; pile blackish behind the suture, except at the sides, yellowish in front, whitish on the pleura, long and black on the scutellum. Scutellum rusty-brown, with the broad base and apex orange-yellow. Pleura with whitish-yellow maculae, as follows: posterior two-thirds of the posterior anepisternum, a large, suboval, longitudinal macula on the dorsal margin of katepisternum, and a large whitish macula above the posterior spiracle (katatergum). Legs pale yellow, the coxae reddish brown basally; metafemora on the apical two-thirds and the anterior four tarsi brownish, the femora somewhat paler apically, the posterior tibiae and tarsi black, the former pale ventrally and basally. Femora pale-haired on basal half or less, elsewhere black-haired. Wings cinereous hyaline; stigma luteous. Squamae whitish basally, yellowish on apical half, with brownish margin and fringe except externally; halteres orange, the pedicel somewhat infuscated.
Abdomen dull black; first segment, entire lateral margins, broad apex of each segment, and the bases shining bronze-black. First segment broadly yellow laterally, the second with a slightly arched median yellow fascia, which is widened laterally behind and extends over the side-margins; third with a slightly wider, more strongly-arched band (the posterior edge of the arch at the centre of the segment), the sides narrowed slightly and curved outwards, so that the anterior edge is at the middle of the segment. Fourth segment with an oblique yellow spot rising at the side, slightly behind the middle, and reaching to the basal fifth, where it is a little widened and emits a tapering dash back to the middle of the segment, the inner ends of the spots broadly separated from each other, the outer end turned outwards so as to extend over the side-margin at a right angle. Fifth segment with somewhat similar spots, but they are rather narrowly connected to a much broader median dash, and they reach to the apical third of the segment laterally and are broadly separated from the side-margins. Abdomen black pilose; finely yellow pilose in front of the middle of the second segment. The yellow bands are all of about equal width, being approximately as wide as one-fifth the length of the second abdominal segment. Sides of abdomen subparallel.
Body length: 10 mm.
Neotropical species found in Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina.